Verdi: I Lombardi

Verdi: I Lombardi
  • 3 Sterne, basierend auf 2 stimmen
  • "pavarotti / anderson / levine"
  • „klassische musik“
  • "international"
  • "musik"
21,59 €Bei Amazon ansehen
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Verdi: I Lombardi

Verdi: I Lombardi

21,59 €


Musikinternational musik

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Kundenrezensionen (9)

26 Dezember 2012

Scotto/Pavarotti live is THE one !!

The violinist here must have thought the score was from Sonnambula, lethargically as it is played.

15 Juni 2011

One of Verdi's lesser achievements

In 1981 my friend Larry asked me to take him to an opera.

8 Oktober 2010

the best possible given the situation

Levine has here 2 singers well over their best one dull and only one at his best but in the least important of the 4 roles.

7 April 2008

Zwei wunderschöne Stunden

Die Oper \"I Lombardi\" von G.

12 März 2005

A bel canto Lombardi

I had a wonderful time listening to DECCA's 1996 recording of I lombardi.

13 Juli 2004

The best "I Lombardi alla prima crociata"

Pavarotti was 61 when he did this recording, but he is lways very good, and the best tenor Verdi could have for this role.

3 Januar 2002

A terrific cast led by Levine in a memorable recording.

This opera would not rank in the highest echelon of Verdi operas, but this cast, orchestra and conductor make the most of what they have been given.

2 November 2001

James Levine offers a new reading of I Lombardi

I must admit and confess that this is a good recording of this not to much recorded opera, I Lombardi by Verdi.

5 August 1999

The best recording of I Lombardi

This is the best recording of this opera.

Rezension Verdi: I Lombardi

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