Buffy X-Posed: The Unauthorized Biography of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Her On-Screen Character

Buffy X-Posed: The Unauthorized Biography of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Her On-Screen Character
  • 5 Sterne, basierend auf 1 stimmen
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Buffy X-Posed: The Unauthorized Biography of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Her On-Screen Character

Buffy X-Posed: The Unauthorized Biography of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Her On-Screen Character

17,41 €

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Kundenrezensionen (6)

14 August 2011

It's a cash-in book

This has been on my shelf for a long time - probably bought it when new , finally got around to reading it.

8 September 2005

A clip job, all filler.

It's a good thing this book is out of print.

11 März 1999

A great book for all Buffy fans

This book does, in a great way sum up all episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from "Welcome to the Hellmouth" too "Becoming, part II".

29 November 1998

Don't bother with this book when there are other Buffy books

This book should come with a money back guarantee.

16 November 1998


This book is semi informative.

4 November 1998

This book is sort of disappointing

There are not that many pictures and it doesnt really tell me anything I couldn't have found out on the internet.

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